Finding Right Opportunities

When we discuss prospecting with entrepreneurial companies and small businesses, we frequently get a lot of enthusiasm for the topic tinged with angst over the lack of real hunting being done in their organization. Sales people are hired to get new business, but mired in the management of accounts, and the constant needs of their current customer base.

Finding the right opportunity is built on great effort, strategy, and discipline. When judging your business building efforts, some questions must be honestly evaluated:

1. GREAT EFFORT: What are you willing to do to un-earth that potential customer – one and done, or multiple calls, emails, and door knocks to get to the person within that company that is buying what you are selling.

2. STRATEGY: How do you define your target? Do you know what characteristics define your best possible customer? How do you find more high value prospects like your top ten customers?

3. DISCIPLINE: Finding a company that has a need that you are capable of meeting with excellence takes a commitment to listening, learning, and creatively thinking.

Mutuality is the basis for long term partnerships. Finding the right companies to build opportunity through a solid foundational understanding of the prospects pain elevates mediocre opportunity to RIGHT OPPORTUNITY.